Purpose-Built Sales Order Automation for Industrial Manufacturers & Distributors

Top Industrial companies use Conexiom’s Sales Order Automation platform to turn emailed sales orders into digital orders with 100% accuracy and no manual review.


Trusted partner to Industrial Companies Globally

"When we first met with Conexiom, 100% accuracy sounded too good to be true. Conexiom did a great job explaining how our team would engage with the solution and how 100% data accuracy is achievable"

Corey Gould

Product Manager of Services, Swagelok

How Sales Order Automation Works

Receive sales orders via email.
Extract information with 100% accuracy.
Apply business rules & lookups to order.
Create order in your system of record.

True Automation

Conexiom is the only vendor that delivers True Automation: complex data transformation and touchless document processing with 100% data accuracy. Conexiom is a fully automated, purpose-built solution that solves the shortcomings of RPA, OCR, and workflow technologies.

Complex Data Transformation

Complex Data Transformation

Conexiom automates the transformation of millions of electric documents, regardless of format, complexity, or repeatability.

100% Data Accuracy

100% Data Accuracy

Orders and invoices are transcribed with 100% data accuracy, eliminating costly errors.

Touchless Document Processing

Touchless Document Processing

Custom process mapping and advanced AI algorithms eliminate manual processing, process efficiencies and processing errors.

Integrates With All The Systems You Already Use

Use Conexiom to reduce O2C and P2P times, and deliver better customer and supplier experiences.

Integrates With All The Systems You Already Use

Use Conexiom to reduce O2C and P2P times, and deliver better customer and supplier experiences.

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Curated Resources

2024 Benchmark Report: Revealing the Secrets to Best-in-Class B2B Order Fulfillment

Discover the secrets to boosting customer satisfaction and profitability in manufacturing and distribution. Get your free benchmark report now!

2024 Digital World Class Matrix™️ Customer-to-Cash Order Management Software

Discover the latest in customer-to-cash software with The Hackett Group's Digital World Class Matrix™️. Benchmark against industry standards, revolutionize order-to-cash processes, and evaluate top software providers. Get your free copy now!

Buyers' Guide: How to Measure and Close Your Digital Order Gap

Discover how to close your digital order gap with insights from industry leaders in our 2024 Manufacturing and Distribution Buyer's Guide. Learn from 898 peers and optimize your approach to technology and order automation today!


Looking to Automate?

Get in touch with our team to learn more about Conexiom Automation solutions.

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