Anti-phishing Security Layer Helps Protect Against Breaches & Ransomware

Alleviate the most common phishing attack vector—manually opened email attachments

Manufacturers and Distributors Are Top Targets for Ransomware Attacks


Conexiom Is Committed to Security and Compliance

Protect against attacks slipping through—automated transactions inherently minimize the need to manually open attachments.


Granular Permissions & Administrative Controls

Easy to configure roles-based controls to restrict sensitive data to authorized users.


Encrypted Communications Channels

Employs encryption to secure all communications channels.


Secured with Configurable Authentication Policies

Provides enhanced security and increased control.


Secured Against Software Vulnerabilities

Secured against common software vulnerabilities such as operating system, SQL injection, memory corruption, and information leak vulnerabilities.


Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Follows SDLC principles throughout.


We’re able to hand off more transactional tasks to machines that excel at that and let our staff do what they excel at, which is solving problems and finding better solutions for our customers.

McNaughton-McKay Electric Company


We are a customer focused organization, and the more time we have to spend with customers to build deeper relationships with them, the more productive we can become. Conexiom was chosen to help us achieve that greater interaction with our customers.

ADI Global Distribution

We’re able to hand off more transactional tasks to machines that excel at that and let our staff do what they excel at, which is solving problems and finding better solutions for our customers.


Wim J.

Project Manager, Integration Expert and owner | Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)

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Conexiom Platform Reports Dashboard

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If 100% data accuracy seems too good to be true, we would love to prove it to you.

Conexiom Platform Reports Dashboard