Just released: 2024 Manufacturing and Distribution Benchmark Report reveals how 900 companies increase CSAT and profitability

How Much Could You Save by Automatically Processing the Orders You Receive by Email?

Every business is looking for ways to increase customer satisfaction and profitability. But it's difficult to decide what investments to prioritize.

Use this calculator to discover how AI-enhanced order processing can help your business profitably deliver a competitive customer experience.

Closing your digital order gap will quickly be at the top of your list.


How much does it cost you to process emailed orders manually?

Use this calculator to reveal the transformative effects sales order automation can have on your business.

0 100
0 100K
0% 100%
0 150K
0% 10%

Calculated Savings

Using industry standards, this is how much you could save by turning emailed orders into digital transactions.
Labor Cost Savings
Cost Due to Errors
Total Annual Savings
Total Cost of Doing
Nothing Over 3 Years
Book a personalized report read-out to see how you compare to your peers.
A man uses software on a laptop computer.

Learn how to close your digital order gap with Conexiom

The best customer experiences start with fast and accurate order processing. Our research found that an additional 20% of sales orders are going to be automated within the next 3 years.

Discover how Conexiom can help you increase order accuracy, profitability, and customer satisfaction by closing the digital order gap between EDI and eCommerce.