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[New Research] How to Beat the Clock on Same Day Shipping and Delight Your Customers

In today's fast-paced world, customer experience has become the top priority for manufacturing and distribution leaders. Businesses strive to meet customer expectations for speedy and accurate delivery, but it remains a significant challenge, especially when it comes to processing PO-backed sales orders received by email.

In this blog post, we'll explore the key concepts and data presented in our new infographic based on our recent survey report, Revealing the Secrets to Best-in-Class Performance in B2B Order Fulfillment, to understand the impact of email orders on order fulfillment and discover strategies to overcome these challenges.

The Importance of Customer Experience

To succeed in the competitive marketplace, businesses must prioritize customer experience. According to recent data, 49% of manufacturing and distribution leaders consider customer experience and perfect orders as their top goals. This statistic highlights the significance of meeting customer expectations and delivering exceptional service.

The Role of Email in B2B Orders

Email continues to be the preferred channel for B2B orders, according to DSG, with 45% of buyers choosing this method. The attached infographic emphasizes the reliance on email for order processing in the manufacturing and distribution industry. However, this reliance comes with its own set of challenges that can impact order fulfillment and customer satisfaction.

The Countdown to Delight or Disappointment

When businesses receive orders via email, the clock starts ticking. Manually processing these orders adds an average of 9 hours to the order fulfillment process. This delay can have significant consequences, as most companies have a daily cutoff time for shipping orders. Missing this window can result in a 2-day delay in order fulfillment, leading to potential disappointment for customers.

The Power of Automation in Order Fulfillment

To overcome the challenges associated with manual order processing, automation emerges as a powerful solution. By increasing digital orders through automation, manufacturers and distributors can improve their on-time performance and free up valuable time for their customer service representatives. The infographic highlights the benefits of streamlining order fulfillment processes through automation.

Revealing the Secrets to Best-in-Class Performance

To further optimize order fulfillment processes, businesses can leverage resources like the benchmark report mentioned in the infographic. This report provides insights into best-in-class performance in B2B order fulfillment, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance customer experience.

Meeting expectations for speedy and accurate delivery is a crucial aspect of providing exceptional customer experience in the manufacturing and distribution industry. By understanding the impact of email orders on order fulfillment and embracing automation, businesses can beat the clock on same-day shipping and delight their customers. The attached infographic and our new benchmark report serve as valuable resources to guide businesses towards best-in-class performance in B2B order fulfillment.


Download your copy of the full benchmark report here.

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